

The ModernUI_Text is a static display of text. However it provides ease of use and customizable features like a small set of font families (Arial, Courier New, Segoe UI, Tahoma, Times New Roman and Verdana), font size (7pt-32pt), font effects (like bold, italic, underline), text color, back color and more.

These features allow you set the desired font style and size just with a few style flags when creating the ModernUI_Text control. Colors and other properites can be set at run time, without having to write extra code to handle WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC and/or creating fonts to assign to the control.

ModernUI_Text Functions

Function Description
MUITextCreate Creates a new ModernUI_Text control
MUITextGetProperty Gets the value of a property
MUITextRegister Registers a window class for the ModernUI_Text
MUITextSetBufferSize Sets internal buffer size for text strings
MUITextSetProperty Sets the value of a property

ModernUI_Text Properties

Property Type
@TextFont HFONT
@TextColorDisabled MUICOLORRGB
@TextBackColorDisabled MUICOLORRGB

ModernUI_Text Property Descriptions


Font used for ModernUI_Text control text


Text color (MUICOLORRGB) of the ModernUI_Text control


Text color (MUICOLORRGB) when mouse moves over ModernUI_Text control


Text color (MUICOLORRGB) when ModernUI_Text control is disabled


Background (MUICOLORRGB) color of the ModernUI_Text control. For transparency use -1


Background (MUICOLORRGB) color when mouse moves over ModernUI_Text control


Background (MUICOLORRGB) color when ModernUI_Text control is disabled